The edition research pretends to find and reveal the different methodological approaches between architecture and engineer in the definition of the architectural materiality. She is editor of several journals and book series: Cadernos d’Obra since 2009, Sebentas d’Obra and Livros d’Obra and since 2017 to 2022 was a Springer Editions guest editor for the series Building Research: Design, Construction and Technologies.
Cadernos d'Obra is an editorial project started in 2009 at FEUP, that seeks to cross the areas of knowledge of Architecture and Engineering. It's divided in three collections, Cadernos d'Obra, Sebentas d'Obra and Livros d'Obra. Cadernos d'Obra is a series of international scientifc monographies, that analyzes, in each edition, a relevant building through its design process, supported by a set of scientific articles on appurtenant themes of engineering and architecture. Sebentas d'Obra is a set of small editions on Portuguese buildings, with a relevant link between engineering and/or architecture, where the the design and building process is explained or the. research work developed. The collection Livros d'Obra is a set of manuals that support architecture and engineering professional practice on topics such as facade rehabilitation.
Cadernos d'Obra since 2009